Salt (Packaging)
We package our baits in salt. Other vendors will typically package their baits with a squirt or two of worm oil. They do so for two reasons:
- It makes it easier to slip the baits into the bag.
- It makes the baits shine, looking very attractive to you.
We are not a fan of worm oil. Worm oil itself will act as a solvent and will eventually cause the bait to deteriorate. This deterioration is especially aggressive when your baits are stored somewhere where they will get warm / hot. It makes a gooey mess out of the baits.
Rather than worm oil, we opt for salt when it comes to packaging. When it comes to utilizing salt in packaging:
- Prevents the baits from sticking together. This makes it easier to package and also easier for you to remove a bait from the package.
- Salt does not react with the bait in any fashion. It will not cause a breakdown of the bait as worm oil does.
- The salt used in packaging will obscure the color of the baits. Do not worry as the salt will simply wash right off.